Gearing Up: More travels

I'm not feeling very eloquent or funny or witty today. At the moment, I just feel like I have a headache and I want to be home with my husband, making dinner, watching a movie, cleaning the apartment and playing house.

It's been crazy busy with little down time, it seems, since we got home from SBC. We were dog-sitting last week for friends of ours (who watched Benny boy for us while we were in Florida). It was fun having him there, but exhausting trying to corral two dogs! I'm thankful the Lord worked it out so that I didn't go get another dog a couple years ago when I wanted to have two! I got a couple pictures and videos of them playing, but unfortunately the one time they laid down together (literally: ONE TIME) I only had my phone and it's crappy camera to capture it.

Incessant playing...

Ben and Maddux, who looks slightly less alert than our bouncy pup.

Then, we had a house guest this weekend, John - also known as our man-child :) Add to that our roommate coming back into town this weekend before he left to be with his wife as they have their first baby. All in all, it was a full house. A and I got our butts kicked by the boys in Scene It - twice. We worshiped at our church again for the first time in two weeks and the last time for two weeks. We enjoyed some wings and I washed my car for the first time since buying it almost three years ago....It was nasty, and it is still not completely clean, but it's infinitely better than it was.

So, all in all, super busy and we're super tired, even at the BEGINNING of a long week.

Wednesday, bright and early, A heads to his parents' in Wyoming for a few days while Thursday, bright and early, I head to Montana for a few days for work. I'm looking forward to being reunited (I hate being apart for days!!) as we drive to Salt Lake City and prayerfully seek the Lord's will for our life.

Please be in prayer for us during our trip(s) - that the Lord would make things clear in relation to SLC. Also, be in prayer for rest as the next section of time looks busy and mentally straining. May we look to the Lord, who is our shield and rest, to be our portion in all things.



Anonymous said...

Aww..Ben and Maddux look like best friends. ;-)

I'll be praying for your trip out west. Excited to see what God reveals.

Matt and Lindsay Bledsoe said...

THank you for the true words of encouragement you left me! I hope all goes well out in SLC with you and your hubby! Love ya

Don Crane said...

HOORAY on the car wash!!

Love you,
The Paternal Parental Unit

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I'm a 20-something transplanted Southerner - in love with my Savior and in love with my husband. As we move from urban-loft dwellers to home-owners and parents, feel free to share in the happenings around the VanderHouse.

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