20 Questions: From Ginny

Whew - is the long weekend over all ready? It passed in a hazy blur of sunshine, sleep and sweet, sweet rest. Helloooo noon o'clock wake-up time! You looked lovely :)

It was a wonderful weekend of celebrating and remembering Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We went to church (like normal) on Saturday night at Summit and were so excited to see people getting baptized afterward! It was a great Easter Saturday (notsonormal). Sunday was spent in bed, sitting on our deck reading the Scriptures together and cooking a delicious Easter meal: flank steak, baked potatoes, deviled eggs, asparagus and cupcakes. Yummy.

So anyways, my friend Ginny tagged me to do 20 Questions last week, and because of the long, lazy weekend, I'm just now getting around to it! Here goes....

Rule #1: The tagged person must write their answers on their blog and replace any questions they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Rule #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz. The tag-ee must state who tagged them.

1. What is one word that can best be used to describe you?
Free. Cheesy - I know. When we're just coming off of Easter and I've been thinking about the gospel, I'm reminded that because of how deeply the Lord loves me, I am free. Because of his sacrifice on the cross, because he was my substitute, because I am no longer under the condemnation of sin - I am free. 
Also, sometimes I am a free spirit, so it could apply there. Sometimes I'm not and I'm very, very particular, but I am free to choose every day :) Michelle, what would your word be?

2. If you could have a dream come true, would what it be?
I'd love to have the resources to adopt a bunch of babies from all around the world. I want our family to be a beautiful picture of the gospel. Also, on a lighter note - I'd love to win a vacation. Preferably a really awesome cruise (because A has never been on one!) or a trip to the Mediterranean. Maybe a cruise to the Mediterranean? That would be AH-MAZING.

3. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Pay off debt. Adopt several children. Make sure we have enough set aside for a family vacation and a Mommy and Daddy vacation every year. Give to our church. Help our parents out. Fund a church plant. A billion dollars is a lot of dollars, so I could do a lot of things with them! What would you do with that much money, Lindsay?

4. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
A hot bath, a good book, deep conversations with my husband, time spent in the Word, a getaway, laughing at the dog, a sad movie.

5. What is your bedtime routine?
Hm....exciting question. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, sometimes use a face wipe, turn on my heating pad, put on my pjs and hop into bed. I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead...Sorry - got carried away in the music! (anyone? anyone?). We read for a while and then I often fall asleep and begin snoring and/or talking in my sleep before A has a chance to drift off into sweet slumber. True story.

6. What activities did you do in High School? If you could go back, would you do the same or something different?
I've recently started watching Glee and I have decided I'm A-Ok never revisiting my high school years. Like a lot of them that got slushies in the face, I was pretty nerdy. In reality? I still am. I rode and showed horses competitively, was in drama club (My Fair Lady and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe were my favs!), was in Trebellettes - the girls show choir, did Forensics (speeches, etc. - not to be confused with examining bodies), played  club soccer briefly...That was probably about it. How about you, Kristel?

7. What kind of books do you read?
More variety but less in number than I used to. I rotate between good fiction (Jodi Picoult) and notsogood-but-oh-so-addicting fiction, a la Twilight and Harry Potter, and Christian books that my husband recommends. Like Ginny, we have a library in our house, so when I have a spiritual problem there's a book for that.

8. How do you see yourself in ten years?
A stay-at-home mom and church planter's wife. I hope we have several kids and that I have even more spiritual children that the Lord enables me to pour into.

9. What's your favorite piece of clothing you own?
Since I've been feeling fat for about a year now, I'd have to go with either some new jeans that fit pretty well OR my two pairs of yellow wedding shoes. Regardless of my weight, they still work, and they are fabulous. Erin: I know you've got some favorite clothes! What are they?

10. What kind of skin care do you use?
Target brand face wipes and moisturizer w/ SPF, and Wal-Mart brand apricot scrub.

11. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Take my temperature. Then I usually try to ignore my bladder and stay in bed as long as possible.

12. If you could have any job, regardless of income, what would it be?
Either a stay at home mom, or something that enabled me to form relationships, tell them about Jesus and change the world together. I'd love to do something with international adoption!

13. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
I don't know if I would change my name. When I was in middle school, I wanted to change it to Melissa, because there was a popular girl with some great Candie's boots I liked, but....that's not really a good motivation anymore. I kind of like the ring of my name now!

14. If you had to choose between six months of sun or six months or rain, which would you choose?
Seriously? SUN. I was born in Florida after all. You may think I'm crazy to move to Denver because of the snow, but with the snow, they also have a crazy amount of sunny days. This is a fact I am very thankful for.

15. If you could only eat one thing for the next six months, what would it be?
Um.....baked potatoes? They're warm and carby and all my favorite things! Jessie - since you're an excellent cook, what would you choose?

16. What is the thing you enjoy about blogging the most?
I like the challenge of looking at life differently and thinking about how to best portray what's going on in my life and in my heart. Also, although I frequently fail - I like the challenge of trying to be witty and entertaining!

17. Do you prefer salty or sweet foods?
Salty, unless it's dark chocolate.

18. What items are in your purse right now?
Funny story: A couple of weeks ago, I was in my office and went to put my arms in the fleece jacket I had hanging on the back of my chair. As I stuck my hand through it, out came a pair of black, silky underwear. Don't worry - they were mine. But why were they inside my fleece?! The better question is: Why are they STILL inside my purse, weeks later? I apparently have forgotten about them for almost a month, so alas, hidden deep in my purse they remain. In other pockets I have..... (by the way - has anyone been reading my blogs long enough to remember this post from my old blog? I won't go into it as in-depth now) I'm currently carrying an umbrella, two wallets, lip gloss, Burt's Bees chap stick, hand sanitizer, prenatal vitamins, non-aspirin pain reliever, leftover antibiotics in case it does turn out to be Lyme disease, my cell phone and its holster, a bunch of gift cards for the new place (!), my sunglasses and my keys.

Me, Teran, Ginny and Paige on Pickens Nose!
19. What is the best memory you have of you and the person that tagged you in their 20 questions?
Probably best times with Ginny was the first weekend I got to know her when we went together to the Rankins' house in Franklin. We went hiking on Pickens Nose, played with sparklers for 4th of July and had lots of good talks. She has been a sweet friend and someone I'm really thankful to know. Even though we don't see each other often, it's always a good time when I do see her!

20. What do you watch on television that you know you shouldn't?
I should have written this before I started watching Glee! A lot of what I watch isn't junk, persay, but probably isn't beneficial either. I watch Modern Family, Parenthood, Biggest Loser and Bachelor and A and I watch HGTV, sports, 24, Chuck, Smallville, House, Office, Arrested Development....It sounds like we watch a ton, but I watch about an hour at work during my lunch break and we'll do an episode of something a night before bedtime.

Now, it's YOUR TURN! Have fun!



Derek and Amanda said...

That is fun!! Also, I read that when you were in high school you rode and showed horses competively! I did too!! How fun! :) I rode English - Hunter/Jumper. Sold my horses when I started school at SEBTS.

Ginny said...

Yes, this is fun! I missed this post somehow so I am glad now that instead of doing our budget for June I am reading blogs. What? Haha. Love the picture from Pickens Nose and thankful for our friendship!

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I'm a 20-something transplanted Southerner - in love with my Savior and in love with my husband. As we move from urban-loft dwellers to home-owners and parents, feel free to share in the happenings around the VanderHouse.

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