Aches and breaks and Jesus

It's a tough world out there, and even more painful when you have a 6'8'' husband who inflicts pain on both himself and others.

Last week I commented to A that for some reason, my left ankle has been hurting unexpectedly. It's not like I've been exercising (mono), so I had no idea how or why I had hurt it. I only knew that several mornings when I took our dog, Ben, out to the bathroom, it was tender and stiff to walk on.

After I mentioned this, A paused and looked thoughtful for a minute.

"I might be doing it to you," he said. "Which ankle is it?"

I told him it was my left ankle, also known as the one closest to him in bed. *Lightbulb*

"Sometimes you sleep crooked. Like, your body is far away, but your legs are stretched out close to me. I know I've accidentally kicked you a few times lately when your legs were there and I didn't know it." Apparently, I don't wake up or notice being assaulted in my sleep. That is not comforting news.

However, he also unwittingly inflicts pain on himself. Take last night for example. I was in the bedroom folding clothes and he was at our dining room table working on the budget when I heard him yell and start muttering. I went out to see what was the matter and found my beloved laying in the corner with his head cocked awkwardly against both walls - sitting still after he broke one of our dining room chairs. Geez, Fatty. Kidding :)

The chair just crumbled underneath him, and being that he's so tall, his already-prone-to-pain back and neck suffered some serious discomfort from his little tumble. I wanted to comfort him, but didn't know quite what to say. I thought about telling him how I used to fall out of chairs all the time, but it was never because they broke when I sat down. I was never heavy enough for that :)

So anyways, we're going to try and start working out together tonight to get our bodies in better shape. We've been busy and eating poorly and sickly, so it hasn't been a priority, at least for me. He has been more disciplined. Obviously, our bodies could use a little more beating up (of the intentional sort) so that A doesn't break any more chairs or break my ankle. We want to be better stewards of our body so that those who don't know the Lord won't be turned off at the vision of His temple before they ever hear word of His salvation.

Speaking of salvation, yesterday was Resurrection Day (also known as Easter), and it was a great one for the Vanderburgs. We both really enjoyed serving coffee together at some of the services at our church, listening to a great message about the Gospel (four words: Jesus in my place), and then celebrating with over 90 people who decided to get baptized in big tanks in the field. It was a blessing to be there and see how God worked and got the glory. Afterward, we enjoyed lunch/dinner at Cheesecake Factory (2-year tradition now!). All in all, a fabulous first Easter for the Vanderburgs :)



Matt and Lindsay Bledsoe said...

Glad you had a great Easter! Remember you have mono so don't jump into exercising too quickly :) You have to get better and that means rest!

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I'm a 20-something transplanted Southerner - in love with my Savior and in love with my husband. As we move from urban-loft dwellers to home-owners and parents, feel free to share in the happenings around the VanderHouse.

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