It's for the whole family

My disciplined husband has been doing P90X faithfully for a month now. Each time he does it, he makes sure Ben is on the porch before starting, because Benny is a little bit...uh.....helpful.....anytime one of us is on the floor doing something that looks like it could be a fun game. He is both curious and overly playful.

The other night, I was cooking dinner while A was doing P90X stretching, so I left Benny in, figuring I could keep him out of A's way. I underestimated Ben's desire to be in the middle.of.everything. As soon as A got on the floor to do one of the exercises, Ben was there. I grabbed the camera to try and capture what it looks like when both of my boys do P90X together.

Exercise: Through Ben's eyes:

"Hey, wouldn't this be more effective if I provided a little toothy motivation?"

"You think you're flexible? Look at ME! I can stretch and balance at the same time!"

"I'll show you how to turn stretching into playtime!"

"No? Not helping?"

"You do your stretches. I'm going to sleep - what a workout."

 So there you have it. P90X - it's for the whole family!



Ashley said...

That is hilarious! My favorite is the 3rd pic...B with the ball and A staring at him like hes gonna kill him! Good thought to grab the camera!

Derek and Amanda said...

haha! That is hilarious! :)

Lauren V. said...

Thanks! Ash, I agree - #3 is my favorite too! Such attitude :)

Lindsay said...

Wow! P90X that is hard core, way to go A! Ben is so cute, very "helpful" :)

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I'm a 20-something transplanted Southerner - in love with my Savior and in love with my husband. As we move from urban-loft dwellers to home-owners and parents, feel free to share in the happenings around the VanderHouse.

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